"So... BucketList® focuses on life's most basic questions like 'What do I want?' and 'Who am I?'"
Those where some of the first words that Mikko Kalliola said to us at last year's KasvuOpen. We cannot thank him and the other mentors enough for all the insight and advice they dispensed freely, to us and to the other finalists.
It's largely thanks to the mentors advice we can today announce that List It's BucketList® service has been selected by Finodex to take part in their first batch of accelerated projects. List It will receive co-funding from the EU and mentoring from Finodex to be part of EU's FIPPP project.
As part of the Finodex project, List It will receive training and mentoring both in relation to business objectives and in relation to the use of FIWARE architecture. At the recent CeBit expo, 6 Finnish cities (and a total of 31 cities worldwide) announced their participation in FIWARE's Smart Cities initiative which will be List It's primary domain.
Going against the current Finnish trends where focus is set on mobile gaming or clean energy solutions List It is the first Finnish company working with Finodex towards a brighter internet future using the FIWARE architecture. List It is answering the call in the recent Helsingin Sanomat's main editorial (25.3.2015)
In true bucketlist spirit List It is "seizing the day". Seizing this opportunity to develop our BucketList service, the future internet and the future of the nation. #SuomiNousuun
Can you see the potential? Visit https://www.bucketlist.net to see our project in action.
This project is funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 632838